My Order no:OD40605183807 with gift wrap(Moto X) was to be fulfilled by June 10th. Great!. Now the ordeal
on 8th June I get a message on my phone said your order will be delivered before 7 PM and a phone number of the logistics person is provided.At 7:50 PM I call up to the number to check the order and the person at the other end says sir it will be delivered tomorrow June 9th by 11:30 AM. I resign to the fact and drop a note flipkart saying they should not have sent the message in the first place if they are unable to deliver and the value of the item is also high .I also find the status on flipkart site says the delivery was not made due tomy request which is incorrect.
9th June I wait for the better part of the day for the item but it does not arrive. The logistics phone number goes unanswered . Finally I chat with a flipkart CS executive and she checks up as says well item cannot be delivered today as it is a Sunday and logistics partner does not work on Sundays!
Wow! so I waste my Saturday evening and Sunday morning for an item which I had ordered as a gift for somebody and I am lied to as well.This is for a item worth 24K, fully paid. Do I need to say more, flipkart? And oh I am not a new customer.