Following up with the BLIND MANAGEMENT of FLIPKART.COM since april2012 regarding the pplaced order of HUL water purifier if now action taken ......atlast I cancelled the order and pledge not to buy any product from this FAKE SITE !!!
Please seee the trailing mail !!
Dear Sangeeta,
Greetings from Flipkart!
Order Id: OD20418221420
Product: HUL Pureit Classic Water Purifier
We understand your concern and sincerely apologise for the inconvenience caused.
We will get in touch with you within 24 hours to give you a reliable update. Rest assured we will resolve the issue in the best possible way.
We request your kind cooperation in this regard.
Flipkart customtakeouter Support
The Online Mega Store!
Incident History
customtakeouter By Email (Sangeeta Negi)
29/05/2012 03.25 PM
Dear concern,
As per my last discussion with Mr.Gopal( TL @ Flipkart Blre offce)iam still waiting for reply from flipkarts side .as I mentioned that for the 3rd time Ive recd the product in same color but due to mismanagemnt among flipkart ino action has yet taken on the defaulters .
Ms.Bhavya & Mr.Gopal are still unable to resolve a unsolved query .
I am seeking full support and cooperation from Mr.Sachins side to provide me full refund of the money against the default done from your managements side without canceling the order .
Please look in to the matter and revert on urgent basis .
I am also sending the snapshot of the delivered product .
Thanks & Regards ,
Sangeeta Negi
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
-----Original Message-----
From: "Flipkart customtakeouter Support"
Date: Sat, 12 May 2012 13:55:33
Reply-To: "Flipkart customtakeouter Support"
Subject: Return of your Order [OD20418221420] with [Incident: 120505-002847]
Dear Sangeeta,
Greetings from Flipkart!
Order ID : OD20418221420
Title: HUL Pureit Classic Water Purifier
ncident History
customer By Email (Sangeeta Negi)
29/05/2012 03.25 PM
Dear concern,
As per my last discussion with Mr.Gopal( TL @ Flipkart Blre offce)iam still waiting for reply from flipkarts side .as I mentioned that for the 3rd time Ive recd the product in same color but due to mismanagemnt among flipkart ino action has yet taken on the defaulters .
Ms.Bhavya & Mr.Gopal are still unable to resolve a unsolved query .
I am seeking full support and cooperation from Mr.Sachins side to provide me full refund of the money against the default done from your managements side without canceling the order .
Please look in to the matter and revert on urgent basis .
I am also sending the snapshot of the delivered product .
Thanks & Regards ,
Sangeeta Negi
Sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel
BlackBerry® on Airtel