These guys provide cheap quality stuff. I had my worst experience of online shopping with FLIPKART. They send damaged products, delayed delivery, poor services, pathetic management ( as I returned the product the very same day, I kept getting sms & emails from them saying that they will send someone to pick the stuff back)
and now post 20 days of returning the product I receive a call saying we will now process refund and it will take 10 days to reflect in your credit card.
After all this bullshit. I receive a mail saying that we have created a flipkart wallet for you to use the money for future purchase.They have no intention to refund my money back.
This is my first and worst experience with flipkart. these guys need to streamline lot of things before they deal with customers. Learn from their competitions (Be it snapdeal, eBay, Homeshop 18, Indiatimes, Jabong or
I have availed products and services from each and everyone and the experience with them have been amazing. I think I made a mistake trying you guys.