Flipkart.com , this site is very popular in India , now a days! But reallity is that , it is giving a delivery available in very very less cities and if in some cities it is available then , only some of their problems , so this is the major negative factor of this site , and others are : -
Customer Service :
The customer service , actually guys , I did not experiance about their service a lot because , I didnt get any availability of any product to my city , so I mostly shop from other best websites like snapdeal , amazon! I only purchased a single product from flipkart , even not in my city but out of this city!
Product quality :
Product Quality , is not very good but also not very poor , but overall product quality is nice , only nice!
Delivery Time :
The time of their products delivery is not good a little , they takes very much time to deliver the product comparing with the other best sites! So it is a worst factor of flipkart!
Apps and Websites :
I never tried their app , but I have to say that their website is slow and cant load easily and smoothly , so it also irritates us !
Relliable :
Guys , I am suggesting you , that , you should not trust on the products of flipkart . Because , I only purchased a single product i.e. moblie tripod , but it hurts me , because I expected a larger size of the tripod but it was very tiny , and breaks my trusting on the flipkart !
So overall , you better purchase from other best sites like snapdeal , amazon or even shopclues but never from flipkart !