I purchased a Acer Laptop V5 121 on Flipkart on 3rd September 2013. Order # is OD30903040283.
I just vented out so much on their website where one can review the product. However I think they may not post it.
So copying pasting my entire experience here -
What a bunch of crap Sachin Bansal has set out in duping customers. Their entire campaign on TV is supposedly to reinforce faith that if there is a problem with your product they would replace it within 30 days. And this is the biggest fraud - A complete eyewash and bogus ploy.
For those interested in knowing about the laptop and my review on it, will be posting a link here soon. This is a perfect example of how a delivery logistic company can screw the reputation of Acer of none of their fault. And because Flipkarts so called policy, the product gets a bad repute.
My laptop the day I bought it had a problem with the screen There is a consistent red dot on the screen which would not go away.This was pointed immediately to Flipkart on the same day I received the laptop.
No here comes the bogus response - They told me that I am supposed to go to a Acer service center to have the problem checked .Acer service center? The very same day the problem was found as soon as I switched on the laptop which obviously means the product is faulty and then they refuse to replace it and worse still expect me personally to visit a Acer service center? Spend my money and time and effort to visit a service center when the entire premise on which customers purchase a product online is that they would be replaced if there is a problem.
Being a product manager with a reputed financial services conglomerate myself, its stupid of even me to expect my customers to visit a service center when the product delivery at my companys end has fallen short.
Worse still Im told that the product would be replaced if the no. of pixels are more than 3. What crap? SO if there are two pixels am I supposed to bear with it? Doesnt that affect the quality of the product? doesnt that compromise on the commitment that goods would be delivered in a proper shape?
This wouldnt happen at a Croma or a Vijay sales as because when you buy the product you can see if everything is working fine This is the problem with this business model of purchasing online. Its a faceless company with no person to whom you can address your problem. You buy based on trust and the comfort that a damaged product would be replaced. And this is what you get - That you take the effort, travel in the heat leaving your convenience to have the screen issue resolved and not replaced?
I am willing to understand that a service center visit may be required However when a purchase is made under the comfort that the product will be replaced if its not in the promised condition, this is a compromise on the quality of the product and the reputation of Flipkart
So screw you Mr. Sachin Bansal on the customers youve been duping. Ive been checking the internet and this problem is not mine alone. Many customers and Id like to believe that individuals from whom youve raised money from are being duped.
If a product is faulty and youve committed to replace it, please ensure its done. Dont commit falsely as this is the very premise customers purchase product on the assurance of quality and that it would be delivered not fast but in good condition.