I am franly tells truth
Mobiles I am got from flip cart good for some time
First talk about customer service bolna ke liya acha hai par kar ne may fail ho gaya u check in my photo uploded
Product quality good but some issue s but ook service
Delivery times are too types
First flash sale and non flash sale
Flash sales mobiles are delivery late some times
Non flash sale mobiles or good in delivery
Flash sale ,
In flash sale s some times app and site also hangs remember first flash sale of mi
Verdict in my case not good
Remember flipcart replace ment is very worst I said see my pic uploded I am call customer care they tell me instroctions I am changed in my device but issue not resolved then I am said replace my peace they said ok but they thing is they replace is 5th may since till to they have not replace d
I am called two times they said we replaced thats y I dont like flipcart replacement service