Hello, my self is Ayush, here we describe how flipkart is different from other. I mean in the sences of online shopping.so let we start.
first thing is that the delivery timing is so faster than another.its my self experince
The product faultation I mean e.g.- I wanna buy a wrist band when we see before purchise its seems blue but after delivery I was found its black so this type of faultation is not found in flipkart.
In every product cash on delivery is present, rather than other company. Flipkart is the best website for buying product. it’s all product original. buying anything for this website . it is satisfaction of all product .discount offer is make more resplendent than other company. There is no fake in discount the services is most magnificient.
e.g. in last year I buy a electric kattle so at first time it will broken. so I will return and then after 2 day it again deliverd to me I found that its good and there is no cruchning and breaking in it. So I feel glad the time taken is very less to complete this whole process just take only 3 days.so thank u flipkart