Well as far as e commerce is concerned flipkart was the first major e commerce in india. till its inception it has maintained a good quality of service to the customers. I have purchased several items from flipkart and is a keen observer of prices of the commodities listed on this website.
3 star you can find cheaper products listed on other websites like amazon and shopclues
5 star: as far as time is concerned flipkart desrves 5 star because it us never indulged in late deliveries except some issues
cost of delivery
now this is the point where flipkart gets defeated it charges anything between rs 40 to rs 100 for the noramal timing delivery of merchandise
the website of the flipkart is too user friendly and nearly all the products are easily tracable
customer representatives
the customer representatives of flipkart are too friendly in giving any instruction or placing the order
nearly all the payment methods are there on the website and you can pay through any method
cash on delivery
the most used mode of payment