I ordered a samsung galaxy s2 from flipkart. I was informed that it will be delivered within 3-8 business days. but even after 10 days the status of the order was still processing. I called up customer care and sent countless emails but everytime it was the same answer that they are out of stock and they will send the order within 2-3 business days. after a few days when I became frustrated of waiting I called them up and told them to cancel my order. that was a saturday.
On monday when I checked the order status it was still processing. they didnt even bothered to cancel it. so once again I called up customer care. this time the guy who spoke to me told that the phone is in stock and they will ship it the next day itself, reluctantly I agreed, but the very next day when I checked the order its stauts was cancelled. and I am still waiting for the money to be refunded.
To put it plainly flipkart is a good site if you want to order small things such as books and gifts. but dont ever place any costly orders or you might end up in the wrong end like me.