I have booked Panasonic AC at flipkart, booking order ID OD001037621253824800.Product description what was mentioned in their website, Panasonic YC9QKY3 Split AC as attached.
To my surprise, not even 70% of the description of the product doesnt match with original product. This is high negligence & Ignorant way of operating. This is clear dubious way to sell the product.
I checked with flipkart customer care & called panasonic customer care to check the product specifications its not the same.
Lucky I didnt open the seal until the installation guy has come to my place & returning back.Challenge is will flipkart pay my money back?My time is wasted exploring these.
It has been more than a month, still Flipkart is suppose to take the product back, every alternate I do call & chase these guys.
Like a Recorder, I need to convey. I dont have even patience to shout at these guys to burst with anger. Taking the size of the organisation, as every time I call, a new executive assist. The trauma vice-versa.
Finally today, I have been assisted by one executive, as dharma@flipkart.com, this mail box is monitored by Teamleads or managers it seems instead chasing in cs@flipkart.com it is better drop in dharma@
Someone, promised at manager cadre to arrange a call from the team, its more than 2 week now.
One guy called me 3 weeks back, and assured some technical guy would come & check the product and pick. Am consistently updating that I have not even opened the seal, why you require technical guy.
The manager even committed to pay interest that I bore on my card, due to this delay.
I hope so, if someone first pick the product & return my principal. "Then so".
Indian companies does operate in this manner no, matter how you advertise. The standards & work ethics is always disgusting & demise.