Because I am a publisher so I was attracting to this new concept of books marketing.I have been following flipkart since the initial days it used to sell books online. That was the way I came to know about Flipkart. In the subsequent years(Due to proper planning and working of Bansal Friends as CEO/CFO) Flipkart showed growth from being just being an online book provider to online retailer of products. India as a market of billion was the potential target for the online giants like Amazon and thats why Flipkart is to be respected. I love the fact that its a company spearheaded by fellow Indians. We have to applaud the fact Flipkart started the online retail market revolution much before Amazon could come and rule. Amazon took the Indian market with potential interest but not with Seriousness there by delaying their foray in to the Indian Market. Flip Kart worked tirelessly and started expanding, raising funds and capturing the market. Indians were exposed to online marketing for the 1st time and soon flipkart spread like rain in monsoon.
Once flipkart was on to the way to be a giant, Amazon knew it was a mistake to delay the entry to Indian market. Better late than never and Amazon entered with a bang. Amazon is a proven brand all over the world and has huge funds stashed. What took Flipkart some years to make a Indian online market, Amazon became a major player in just couple of years. The war was on. E marketing wars have started and many other companies came in to picture like snapdeal, shopclues etc.
I had an embedded loyalty to Filpkart. After all its an Indian Company by young Indians. Amazon was an American company coming to rule one other market after conquering many markets all over the world. But I have to admit in due time I have shifted from Flipkart to Amazon. Reason being - Accessibility. Not every body in India lives in Urban or Semi Urban Areas. There are millions of Indians living in Rural to Semi Rural To Remote Areas. Mine is a touring based job and I move all around the State of Karnataka and India. Some times I stay in area for around 2 months and then I Shift. I also order using on line markets during these periods. And here is the reason why I was disenchanted with Flip Kart.
There have been many such instances where Flipkart just mentioned that " the following product is not available for your region or cannot to provided to your pincode " Yes these were remote areas. Once I was on a rural tour and for my Mac Book Pro 2011 I needed a RAM upgrade. I found the RAM available in both Filpkart & Amazon. I tried Flipkart and was informed that the product cannot be provided at your Pincode. I was really surprised and frustrated because of that. Then just for sake of it I tried Amazon and " THEY WERE DELIVERING THE PRODUCT " to the area I wanted inspite of it being one of the interior rural areas. That was a really happy surprise for me. I ordered the RAM and got it in my hand in 8 days.
After that many such instances came up where Flipkart simply said " Cant deliver the product to your Area " and Amazon some how always delivered the product irrespective of the remote area I was in. Its really a surprise that Flipkart being of Indian Origin failed to do what Amazon in doing. Amazon being American Originated company - managing to reach and deliver products to even a remote rural corner - is a great feat in itself.
So, I have exclusively started ordering products from Amazon. Hope this review justifies why I am more in to Amazon than Flipkart inspite of always like Flipkart.