So heres my story. I buy an "in stock" mobile phone from Flipkart on the 8th of November 2012. I prepay using my credit card. Flipkart sends me an email saying your order would be delivered by 17th November. I am excited as this is supposed to be an anniversary gift for my dad on 19th November.
On 15th November I decide to check the status of my order. Flipkart informs me that they are still trying to procure the "in stock" product from their vendors and it can be only be delivered on 21st November. Disappointed I contemplate cancelling the order but then think that 4 days delay isnt so bad.
On 21st they tell me that it will take another couple of days. On 22nd they tell me that this "in stock" claimed product is not available with them and they will have to cancel my order. I therefore request them for a refund. They send me an email saying that according to "standard banking procedures" my amount would be refunded latest by 30th November.
I call them on 1st December when obviously the amount has still not been refunded and the customer care executive tells me that the amount will be refunded only by 4th December according to "standard banking procedures". I ask them why this date is being postponed when they themselves said it would be refunded by 30th November, he confidently tells me that I dont know maths and that 7-8 working days from when the refund request is placed is when the amount is refunded.
Today, 3rd December I send another reminder mail to Flipkart customer care and as suspected I get an email saying that according to their by now favorite catch phrase "standard banking procedures" this amount will be refunded by 13th December.
I am so baffled and frustrated by now as to what these standard procedures are which take 25 working days for a refund! And why it would take them >10 days to figure that they dont have the product in stock which they wisely claim in stock on their website.
My credit card due date is 8th December so I guess I will have to pay for their standard procedures and remain hopeful that one day my amount will be refunded back. So much for flipkart shopping!