I have a clear evidence that flipkart.com is not giving protection to customers wallet(flipkart money/GV amount).
Hackers can steal your passwords in anyways, but e-commerce service providers should protect customers money which was saved in their site itself.
As Amazon.in doing a great support to customers, flipkart is not doing atleast 10%.
In Amazon.in if we save our gift vouchers / giftcards it cannot be transferred to any other mail ids. It seems they are taking care of customers money.
But in flipkart yesterday night at 11.17pm 4 of my giftcards which are saved in my wallet at flipkart.com, were transferred to this mail id "vijayendra4@yopmail.com" without my knowledge. The above mentioned mail id person was the fraud hacker.
I have raised a complaint(#IN1601300533239585961) about this cybercrime at flipkart, but the CS team executives are refused to provide the resolution date for the above complaint.
My concerns against the ecom site flipkart are:
Without giving a OTP(onetimepassword) to the registered mail id / registered phone number, how can a person transfer GV amount to some other mail id?(Because OTP option ios not there in flipkart. It is a biggest drawback)
What is the protection that you are giving to customers money which are saved in your site?
3. Will I get my money or not?
I will surely take this issue into cybercrime to take actions against the fraud "vijayendra4@yopmail.com".
Beware Guys.! Flipkart is not at all safe if you save your Gift vouchers / wallet money with them.