Flipkart is the most growing online shopping website in india. and flipkart also has its app which is most popular in youth and all working peoples. it gives many offers in selling products. flipkart like u can say E-Market. here we can buy all kind of stuff like kitchen stuff, bed room stuff, electronics item, auto parts, all acceseries of bike and cars, music system, mobiles etc. and its save our time we can choose in many items with all colors.
for example I orderd two redmi prime 2 phones from jaipur(raj.) and the expected delivery time was 5-6 days. but I was shocked when flipkart delivered my mobile in 2 days. that was preety ossam.
flipkart provide home delivery and all type of payement option. by credit card, debit card, c.o.d. and all payment process is secure.
but flipkart service mostly works in cities. still flipkart not in all over india. I think in small towns also have a good market for flipkart.
thankyou so much.