Delivery time correet time. customar service The group of features and characteristics of a saleable good which determine its desirability and which can be controlled by a manufacturer to meet certain basic requirements. Most businesses that produce goods for sale have a product quality or assurance department that monitors outgoing products for consumer acceptability.Quality assurance and quality control are both crucial concepts in terms of manufacturing to ensure a companys products are created effectively and in a manner they expect. If theyre not customers may be dissatisfied and business lost.
Take for example car manufacturing. Quality assurance would mean setting up the processes necessary to prove comfort that the car is manufactured to the exact specifications you need. Ensuring there is a process to test the alloy composition in the materials provided, a process directing where bolts are to be inserted and tightened. Those processes would be considered quality assurance.
Quality control would be the physical and mechanical tests that take place throughout the process to ensure the quality assurance processes have been followed and you do in fact have the exact car you expected. Visual inspections throughout the process, reviewing the results of the various tests performed, these would all be quality controls performed