My fiancee requested a Lehnga on the web. The quality was determined astonishing on the site. The offer was alright, we requested it. It took ages to convey the item considering other web shopping entries. Some way or another got the item, qualitiy was most noticeably awful. We documented a retun and it was retured inside of 2 days.
However, the item was returned and I recovered my cash yet at the same time it was a colossal disadvantage. Its web shopping, this is the spot where we hand-off on words. We cant feel the fabric or different specs over the site. Along these lines, at any rate specify the right data. We arrange the items some time for any unique occasion and we have a bunches of expections with that and subsequent to sitting tight for 5-6 days if recieved item is not what we believed, its sort of disquieting.