Flipkart. Here its an review about the india most favourite online shopping app i. e., flipkart.
Flipkart is an electronic commerce company headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka. It was founded in 2007 by Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal. The company is registered in Singapore.Wikipedia
Customer service: 1800 208 9898
Founded: 5 September 2007
Headquarters: Bengalur
Founders: Binny Bansal, Sachin bansal
Service: Service of flipkart is good. It provides a varities of option whethr it may be of cancelling or ordering or replacement, any thing. Can be easily benefited. Soo over all service is good.nothing bad in service.
Offers: Well what to say about offers of flipkart.every one knows about the big billion days. Along with that it provides a numerous offer in electronics, clothing, home any thing it may be it provides a lot of offers.
Customer care service: Well about this. Huh it provides a good customer care service by chatting, calling. Etc to customers so that customers can use it for easy way
Products: Products on flipkart are good. But some times it is hard to belive flipkart. Any how the products are good.
Delivery: With in a week or 10 days what ever it may it delivers products. Some time with 4 r 5 days it will deliver.
Sooooo guys those who are habitited to buys thjngs online just go with this app. It has many variety of products.buy and enjoy.