I would like to express my opinion that when I do my first online shopping at Flipkart . That was a digital multi-meter and that price was very cheap almost 200 rs I was ready to purchase it . And that delivery time was next day at morning and I was shocked that the delivery boy came at right time but when I opened it I saw the other product which I saw in description and that time I was very angry about it .The product was totally different what I ordered .
Then I decided to return it . And I requested to return that product . And after two days that time had to return it but on that day the weather was very rainy and windy I was thinking that the boy will not come today but he called me and he say I am coming at evening and when he came I was totally impressed and I returned it .
After all the product was not same that I ordered but I impressed to see the delivery timeliness . And the service is also very good .
If the Flipkart can sand real product than it will become best online shopping .
thank you .