I was not a guy who was interested in online shopping and thought its just fake until I start using Flipkart. Randomly I decided to buy something online so I downloaded Flipkart app and ordered an item. after that I have just been shopping everything only on Flipkart. The app is soo convenient and user friendly that it makes it easy and simple to use. Even for kids and old people its very easy to use. The service Flipkart provides if very good. Good customer service and the packaging of the product are brilliant. They are punctual and they deliver your order on time. They provide services like if you cannot take the order due to some reason they will come again on your given time again only for you. The quality of the product is accurate. They do not scam people with fake items like some other online stores. They have high range of brands and products. They everything in the world in just one app. The customer satisfaction is too high on Flipkart. Even if you buy something with high price Flipkart is trustworthy and they will never put you down. I have bought soo many things from Flipkart that its my second place after home. If you are not satisfied with the item they have return and refund options which is a very good advantage for shoppers. I suggest people to use Flipkart for online shopping as its trustworthy and the best.