About the flipcart company my experiance is not good because this website in own product price very expensive comparsion to other company. that company cash on delievery not available to every place. this company deleivery only for some place. I bouught one mobile this company by online payment when the guy came for the delievery and called to me to recieve your parcel to come this place "that place very near to my place" because I am not able to come your place. I says " why your not come on the my place its very near to my place". he says" this not our responsibilty if you come hear so I will be gave your parcel either I go back from hear". my mean is this company have no any thinking for how does bussiness with the people. they thinked that customers not our responsbility sale is the most inportant. I want to say you flipcart is not good for online shopping. they will not deliever parcel to everywhere and that company price is like market price. this is not fair with customers.