Before I write further I would suggest to you all "NOT TO BUY" Samsung Galaxy SII from "Flipkart".
Although I was impressed by the delivery made by these guys to me,
The hand set they delivered is having a lot of problems.( what is the point of a speedy delivery if the quality of the deliverable is questionable)
And this does not stop here. I calmly and patiently tell these guys about the problem, all they(technical support) have up their sleeves is a factory reset, which if doesnt work, quite shamelessly tell me to take it to Samsung Customer Care center for servicing my set. Now even a fool knows what the name "Customer Care" implies. They probably would flash the memory or in worst cases root the ROM or something that would fix the issue.
But that is not what "we" customers, would like to do with a handset worth 30K just 3 weeks after we buy it. Do we? "I JUST SIMPLY WANT THE SET REPLACED"
So as the story goes I call up these Flipkart guys, (yes "I" call up because they dont call back as they so convincingly put across "we will get back to you in the next 24hrs") and tell them my problem.
Mind you all, they suck. They give stupid reasons, beat around the bush and in the end, try, yes literally "try" really hard to convince us to send my set to the service center.
Quite frankly I have lost all hope and will not buy any thing more than 200 bucks from FlipKart from next time.
I seriously wouldnt have written all this. But circumstances, situations and these frigging nasal ascent, wanna-be-but-not-even-close, pathetic american tourist sounding customer care guys have forced me to put down a piece of my mind in these reviews.
So quite simply here is my advice to you all.
This is frustrating.
order id OD20220140176