My boy friend ordered flowers as a surprise for me under order no. FJ6972, scheduled to be delivered on 13th Feb. But till 8.35 PM they are not delivered. I made umpteen calls to the customer service, but unfortunately they have no answer.
Later they refused to take the calls.Finally, I got connected, the lady (so called customer service executive). She checked and told me “our service vendor has confirmed that it is delivered to you”.
Then they told me it is wrongly delivered at some other address. Finally they said, we are sorry, it will be delivered in 10 minutes, and nothing has happened since then.
It is fairly disgusting, they have ruined the surprise, and in turn we both ended up chasing Flora India to deliver the flowers. It has never happened before but now the quality has gone really bad.The flowers were ordered to be delivered at office, and I decided to leave at the regular time. Good luck Flora India…