My entire family has been buying shoes from Regal Shoes Mumbai for past many years. I have also bought Florshiem earlier from their shops but what has happened in this instance has shattered my trust in Regal Shoes as well as the Florshiem I picked up a Florshiem in Sale @ Rs. 2500 (not a small amount for a shoe in sale but then I thought I am buying Florshiem so it will be worth it)
I wore the shoes and on 1st day I realized that the sole is so badly curved upwards to the front that I was walking like a circus clown.... and towards end of day I developed a severe backache which haunted me for several days
When I went back to Regal Shoes Mumbai, they simply put their hands up saying nothing can be done for shoes bought in sale. I even took the trouble of tracking the owner of Regal Shoes and personally speaking to him but to no avail. I couldnt believe that a co. as big as Regal Shoes can care a damn for a loyal customtakeouter, esp. when I personally spoke to their owner.....but then thats reality of their customtakeouter service to you. How can I ever trust them again ??
Coming to Florshiem they conveniently put their hands up saying they dont find anything wrong with the shoe, without even once talking to me or asking me what was my problem.
Bottom line : All these so-called shoe companies Florshiem and Regal Shoes are an eyewash in the name of quality products and quality service. I am stuck with a Rs. 2500 new shoe which both Florshiem & Regal; are washing their hands off, thinking they have pocketed the 2500 but least realizing that they have been penny-wise pound foolish, who have lost a valuable customtakeouter for life
I am still hopeful that something will happen but I have my doubts that Regal shoes or Florshiem will bother about individual retail customtakeouters