Don6 mistake me . Im not the born enemy of FLY . But I would like to appreciate my FLY 2040 which made my fly with horror and terror and full panic as it broke down within just two months of purchase from THE MOBILE STORE, Nelson Manickam Road. Those cheats pushed this local, bazaar product to my hands for 5000 buks when I went for a Samsung mp3 mob. It being Slim and attractive I fell into their traps.Bought that good for nothing mob. I never knew then that I am burning my 5000 buks for which I could have goen with a better phone in Sony Ericson with all these bloody features.
Just in 2 months, one fine day when I was being called from my office on a VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT issue, I could not pick up that call. I pressed all the bull-sh*t buttons . But the phone was cooly ringing. Then I nothiced that the keypad never responded. Whatever keys I press, it went to Camera. funny and crazy!
I called THE MOBILE STORE guys . they gave crazy response. "Bring it on Monday, well get it done." I handed over this mob to thm . They said it would be a keypad problem . Well replace it free of cost under warranty.
Know what that fs did . They sent my mob to Accel Frntline Authorised Service Centre for treatment. Those f .i doctors told there is Liquid Damage and printed a funny report bill for me that the mother board is died. Instead of replacing the mother board which occupies 90% of the mobiles cost, I was suggested to buy a new one.
Then I took it to a local service guy, who did not guarantee anything. two days after I got a call from him saying " Come and get your mobile. It is working . Your bill is Rs. 350.00 "
I rushed to the service shop and was cheered up to see my mobile which I supposed to be dead, in working condition. I called my cousin and spoke to him in order to test the functioning. It worked. A mracle.
Then I enquired the technician what went wrong . HE simply answered "Manufacturing problems with the pair of jockeys, or so called something . Nothing called liquid damage."
See the fun now. The authorised dealer corrupted with THE MOBILE STORE dealer says I have bathed my mobile in water. The local service technician says I havent. I got the bill from the technicnian stating the cause of the problem and I do have the bill given by Accel Service Station saying the Liquid Damage.
But for my dad stopping me, I would certainly have filed a suit in the Consumer Court as I had the solid evidence. These guys cheat people. For same 5000 I can get a non warranty mobile having all N series, touch screen features.
See now in my mobile I lost the warranty, lost Rs. 350.00 for no fault of mine and now I have a very poor battery backup.
So folks, never go for FLY . You do have wonderful mobile models with all facilities at cheaper price now with reknowned models like NOKIA, Sony Ericson, Motorola, Samsung. Go for them . Never go for cheats and scams like FLY and particularly never shop in THE MOBILE SHOP . I would recommend POORVIKA which gives mobile at cheap prices and more important, the real customer satisfaction and care.
And if this comes to the notice of FLY importers or manufacturers or someone, kindly do contact me to get any further details at 9486611143. I have the solid proofs to show my sufferings.