I brought FM jeans 3 years back a slim fit jeans in black colour. I had brought from Megamart store in seconds coz they are costly. I was hoping that the jeans will get worn out in a year, but still it was VFM. but to my amazement the jeans is still as it was after 3 years, I swear by FM.
Also I appreciate megamart selling jeans at around 50% discount, it helps college students when they have money crunch.
This ddep black colour jeans I can wear for any occasion, formal with jacket and for imformal with some t-shirt. Megamart have variety of brands under one roof which are available at around 50% discount all through the year. But I would advise visiting them during the december season, or ask the store manager when the new stock is expected. The customer service is also good as they dont sit on your head asking you to purchase. The alternation is done free of cost. Now wnat more we expect when we are in college?
I have been a FM fan of all their productsm as they dont get worn out.