Order ID: MDR157223
So, it was 2-3 months to my brothers wedding when I asked him where hes planning to shop for the wedding.
I had a few places in mind but he seemed to be fixated on renting an outfit. Specifically, hed seen the Flyrobe collection and wanted to check them out. So he lay back a few weeks and checked out designs online. He went to their store to get the design he liked, it was 6 weeks to the wedding by then.
Catch No. 1: The collection you see online(for a particular city) and the collection they have available is completely different. The cheaper outfits(rent: INR 3-7k) are just there to lure you to their stores. Most of the people who go for rentals usually shop very late, leaving them with less time to get an outfit stitched/purchased. this is the fact Flyrobe seems to take advantage of.
My brother suffered the same fate, when he finally reached the Delhi store, he found that the ones he shortlisted on the app are not available. Miraculously, they had many options available in the high rent range(>8-9k). Since he had less time, he finalized one dress with a rent of INR 9200. And mind you, this rent was just for the sherwani, without a turban and shoes(which we had to arrange ourselves since Flyrobes rents for them were outrageous)
All said and done, my brother paid INR 13200(4k as deposit) upfront assuming he will get the outfit cleaned and ready for him on due date.
Catch No. 2: They hardly maintain these outfits and the dress we received had visible dirt marks and loose hooks/buttons. It was worn out at few places and definitely looking used.
Moreover, the lower that they sent with it was wrong, the color was not matching the sherwani and it was a balloon pant, whereas he tried this sherwani with a red chudidar; so, we raised a complaint.
Catch No. 3: Once they receive the money, their customer care hardly responds. If they do, the representatives keep on changing and the entire situation needs to be explained again and again. And after a certain point of time, they stop responding alltogether.
Mind you, they may call you right before the day of the event(when most people are busy) and propose to resolve the issue. They did the same with us, but we had understood by then that rather than wasting our time talking to their useless customer care we could go to the market and buy a red chudidar ourselves, in lesser time.
So, we got the lower ourselves. My brother wore the outfit to the wedding(with self bought turban and jutis. and the chudidar), and finally we realized that it was a bad decision to rent from Flyrobe. We could have purchased ourselves a brand new sherwani in that much money, like I did in my wedding.
My sincere request to all those who plan to reduce their shopping hassles by renting outfits, please dont go to Flyrobe. Rather go to a brick and mortar store, and work out a deal where you can return the outfit for some price after one use. They, at least, wont use the facade of customer care and online collection to lie to you, you get what you see.
So much for the Rental Revolution Flyrobe, what a pathetic experience.