So afte watching too much advertisements of Fogg deodrant I bought it for me . As I thought Fogg will be different from all othe deodrants . So I just gave it a try but I came up to is this .
Fogg ad says that I tdoesnt contain gas . Ok agred it doesnt contain gas but the didnt say that it doesnt contains good fragrance . Yes Fogg is having some worst fragrance .
Although the name and desing of the bottle is yet so stylish but inside the bottle is tottaly weird fragrance . But the packing is also worst as sometimes it just leank out of the bottle .
Also it have side effects it causes pain to me . I also felt some itchiness after applying in my underarms .
Fogg fragrance smells like an Attar(Ittar) . Total waste of money . Also it doesnt last long .
Please dont buy any products by just seeing the advertsiement please do some research before buying it as it may be harmful or may u loose your money.