Hlo firends today I m telling about Fogg deodorant . The deo bottle have very good desgin and easy to use .
The bottle have very good shape and size for fogg deo. and The upper side of bottle have click deo opation .
The deo have take a such long time to after start in mng and deo are at night with full of small this is best in fogg and this is main reastion I like this product very much.
Fogg deo have gas less deo comparew to all other deo he have some gas inside but Fogg is no gas inside and all bottle fill with perfeom .
fogg have gives a very good produt to use for deo lovers and those people hwo used deo regular .
I m used form 6 moths of used fogg deo this is very good result and smil take long time on your body .
I recomeded to all buy this deo and enjoy tuor life with This deo.\