Hello frnds
m back with my deodorant experience.FOGG
Truly a great Deodorant. Lasts a full a day even in summer. Best part is that it can be used till the last drop.
In most other Deo, once you reach the bottom, the gas reduced and thus resulting in not being able to use the Deo.
In case of Fogg, we can use the product till the last drop and true to tag line this indeed is aNo GAS"
if u r Worried about staying fresh all day, Then try out luxurious and exhilarating Fogg Royal deo spray. It is a blend of cool, masculine fragrance with fresh and fine sensuality that aids you to attract gorgeous girls towards you. This classic and intense deo is ideal for men, who are fond of tradition and urbane styling. Cool uplifting fragrance completely engulfs you in all day freshness and care. Exclusive formula of this deo, neutralizes body odour and perspiration. This Fogg deo is great to use on a daily basis as fragrance lasts through the better part of your day.
and this one is my fav one which I used it most of the tym