Today I am sharing My experience with fogg royal body spray deodorant. This deodorant smells very very good and it attract people around us they keep asking which deodorant you use it smells superb so I proudly say its fogg.
I never go without this deodrant it is really amazing product I have ever purchased and it comes in so many odours and they also good as these, We can use this deodorant until it comes to the last drop of its Kyuki isme hai asli Liquid
If you start using this deodorant you will addict to this because its frangnace is awesome and Good and there is no change of lickeage and any other damage.
It is an Good product and make you feel refreshing.
Beleive me guys it is a good perfume which last for 7 to 8 hours in single spray.
I would like to say to the fogg company who made Awesome perfume in india.
If you like my review plzzz like follow.