I started out drinking Maxwell House but a very good friend introduced me to Folgers and its been nothing else since. Im not fond of a very strong coffee that is so overpowering it kills the creamy taste you get after adding the milk. You get a smooth, clean taste when you are enjoying a cup of Folgers.
I have considered in the past getting the cheap store brands when the price of coffee is outrageous but when Folgers is on sale, thats when I stock up and store it in my freezer. I like it so well that I can go through a whole 1 kg can in a months time, and thats just myself too.
The inexpensive coffee just doesnt taste the same at all unless youre lucky unlike me and stumble across a no name brand that buys the same coffee beans as Folgers does.
Id highly recommend Folgers to anyone. If youre worried about the price, wait till it is on sale and buy a couple of cans, its sealed and will last a long time in a cool place in youre house.
And if youre not particular about youre coffee, well I guess, youll buy whatever you pick up next at the grocery store.