Yesterday I happened to buy the book Fools work hard for others ....
It was fabulous. I was tempted to read it immediately and I couldnt sleep without finishing it. Its the first time I finished reading a book in straight 3-4 hours.
Well, the book was very interesting and kept me going on. The concept of freedom from the race has been treated in a lucid manner . The process to freedom has also been explained in a great manner .
Now, as expected I was drawn towards the Freedom from the race concept. I was waiting to reach office and compile my personal freedom report. I have been doing well till now and compiling the report has indeed given me a deeper insight.
However, there is one shortcoming . Out of all the components there is one, which has a dramatic impact on the final result (i.e., the no. of years to balance). And this component is the AIOP.
currently the AIOP is @ 6 % . The book would have been most useful if the author had also explained the ways of achieving a AIOP of 10 % .
Net Net : Great book and a must read