Reality TV
We hate it and yet we watch it feverishly every time its on.
But, I have come to terms with the Cant live with it cant live without it concept, and done my share of watching.
We have heard it all before 1 Man and 15 women looking for love. Man begins eliminating women on the basis of some reasoning, things like compatibility chemistry and other such jargon. That will be the woman with whom he gets to ride of into the sunset with..... hold that picture. For love or money, its desperate effort to be different from its fellow-spawnings of Joe Millionaire, The Bachelor, Love Shack etc. introduces a twist in the fairy tale ending. By offering money to the contestants, in exchange for...wait for it, wait for it....LOVE!
I think I drooled a little.
First glich in the story, the guy looks like a cross between a bear and a pineapple with hernia. Glich number two, the women all look like super models and are yet mysteriously assigned non-glamourous jobs like Third grade Math teacher or Chartered Accountant. Glich number three, it was very very obvious that they were reading their dialoges off cue cards. Reality T.V Hah Bumhug!
The only good thing that happened in the show(apart from of course, its end) was the fact that the winnder, the girl who looked like an alien dumped the guy who was a cross between a bear and a pineapple with hernia because the producers offered her a million bucks in exchange for breaking his heart. Sensible girl. Of course there was a FOR LOVEOR MONEY 2. That will be in another time and another place. Maybe when the producers get themselves a little something called creativity.