Sometimes one is not ready to see a bullet-riddled action Bollywood offering. And in Force 2, the action starts almost from the word go! We are taken to Shanghai and Guangzhou where RAW agents are being killed one by one. Yashvardhan receives a clue to the whereabouts of the perpetrator and hes made to work with KK who turns out to be a woman RAW agent.
Now this is a great idea that you have seen in scores of spy movies before. The woman agent either turns out to be super efficient and can hit better than the hero, or shes a stickler for rules and becomes more of a roadblock than help. But the woman spy is always given some skill that makes the partnership equal in some way. Unfortunately, Sonakshi Sinha is not given any extra skill that enamors us to her. She seems strident about following rules and her data analysis seems to be wrong every time. But she does kick butt. She was good in Akira, and she looks even better in Force 2.
The problem lies not with the paint by numbers thriller where the good guys are chasing the baddie. The problem lies with giving the villain too much screen time. Where is the good old fashioned duct-tape when you need one? The taunting, the baiting by the villain just did not work and though the surprises are many, you just want to fast forward to the next set piece.
The parkour and the video game style killing of the villains goons goes on and on, but the end makes it worthwhile. You want to ask how the villain affords these henchmen, and you groan at his never-ending emotional response to everything. Its an overdose. You want an unrepentant Gabbar Singh like villain, who does not need a sad, pathetic history to be a bad guy.