I originally had a Citroen Ax which I bought in July 2003 for £675. I passed my driving test in the october of that year. Unfortunately, it suffered a major crash which wrote it off and also my friends car. I managed to fix mine through the use of a relative who is a full mechanic who worked flat-out for a week for only £50 + £250 parts. I resprayed the bonnet and fully reconstructed the bumper and months later, sold the car for £450.<p>
I sold the car because my dad had two cars and I was jealous, so after months of moaning and arguing, I managed to convince him into letting me have his Ford Escort Finesse at a cost of only £1500 (valued at around £2300). I now drive this excellent piece of architecture that is my car and I love it. My car is as follows:<p>
I dont know what I dont like about this car apart from the fact that it has no traction control.<p>
I also hear that the parts for the car are very cheap as the Ford Escort is a very common car. I do wish that it was less common, because I think it would be a better car for the money.
I think that this car is great for someone who commutes daily and I find it great for going to college daily and travelling between Grimsby and Hull.<p>
Everyone go out and buy one now!!!