This is a 2year on road performance review of fiests 1.4 exi.Lets keep it v short...The performance and condition of the car is too good. What I meant by performance is ofcourse the mileage/ fuel efficiency. It remians the same not either increased or decreased. My vehicle has already done 30000 kms. Iam getting the same efficiency I have been getting before an year. I havnt came across any mechanical / electrical repairs or fault. Tyres are in excellent conition with no uneven wears. engine noise and cabin noise is very smooth. No extra noises of plastic parts/ loose items inside the cabin.
Now, wiper blades I have changed twice due to hardening , so in total it has been replaced 3 times. Since the warranty has run out, it lessened the weight of my purse. Colour I cannot say its still the same bright as in showroom condition. It has faded, but not considerably. The gear shift can easily happen under 2000 rpm, with no jerking or any extra sounds from engine. The braking pads were recommended for changing since I complained about not so smooth stopping. But I decided to extend it as I need to fully utilize the existing one. There were no formation of any type of rust or peeling off in the body. A/c is working fine . I must say this is one of the best a/cs in this class if cars. I can feel the still same cooling i.e within 2-3 minutes after switching on from under an hot sun.
I recommend to do a fully inside car wassh every 8 months to maintaiin the look of interiors. Have a nice look inside and if u arent satisfied , ask them to do it again until you are satisfied with teh interiors.
So overall with a not so considerable drop in driving comfort from showroom condition, i will give fiesta a good thumbs up.
Now this review comes after my 1.4 exi done exactly 12000 kms and one year on road. Till now the performance of the vehicle is extremely good and after the 3rd service I can feel my vehicle giving more mileage i.e arnd 16km with a/c on city and 18-20kmpl on highways.
The only major problem I faced during last one year is the A/C fan vibration , which has been repaired by the dealer. I believe less ground clearence was one of the causes since something might have hitted. Its frequent thing that the underbody hits when u take the vehicle over some thing high on the ground.
The wiper blades have twice been replaced, since it is moving in a sticky manner when u switch on, along with an unpleasant sound. Dealers traced the fault to wiper baldes getting hardened. But my question of "why "was never been answered by them. so that points towards the material quality.
Another question of mine was again been unanswered by the dealer was that fiesta tends to move to left when u leave ur hands from the steering wheel in a straight road. Even though it happens after 10sec only, they put the fault to the design of the car!!!
The paint quality was of good kinds as I cannot see any fading eventhough I had done clear coating on it. Driving quality is par with the showroom condition and there is no hitching or humming sounds inside the compartment. A/c is giving excellent output as the interior gets cooled in 2-3 mts time eventhough the car is parked under hot sun.
Tyres are also in excellent condition as there is no signs of wear and tear.Braking is thing which I need to check upon as I can feel the car is not stopping in a smooth manner as u apply brakes when u are going above 80kmph.
Driving during rain is another problem since the powerful A/c brings the mist very fast to the front glass and then u needs to drive with the heater on!!!
When u travel with more than 3 passengers it will be a good option to put the tyre pressures around 35-40 psi.
But driving this car is a v good experience and rightly its termed as a drivers vehicle