(25-05-2007) Dealer does not have parts ! I have to wait for One more week till they gets them and installs, ! this dealer is more then 10 years old with FORD !
(5-12-2007) Lost pickup on the way , found out the coolant is boiling and errupting from its chamber, It has changed color and was like gray mud.engine temperature needle was on highest point and the fan to cool engine was running even the car key was removed
Called the Dealer and he Immediately suggested that It has to be towed to their work shop.
After 2 hours the towing vehicle arrived and took the car to workshop. This happened on Saturday.
Monday . reported that engine Oil or Coolant some how managed to get together in side the engine and the radiator and it has to be cleaned before they can tell what is wrong.
Tuesday . I went personally to see the car and found that they have opened the
top of the engine and waiting for ford HO permission to open the block containing
the pistons.All electronic scan shows nothing abnormal ,
no error of any sensor.
you all are aware of ford Quality and ford people ,
Lots of real comment and feed back on this review in past posted in this forum , ( Some of them are By dealer driven comment )
engine failure are real shameful thing for car manufacturer and real pain for the consumer.
I am not sure when I will get back the car repaired.
I will never kow why this happened and no body in ford will dare to tell it to me.
still to day 19-05 2007 I am not told any thing about it.
After one year and 2 months and around 17 thousand Kilo meter driving
I was really luckey that I had extended warreny !
Now take trouble and suggest what should I do ?
After it arrives from the dealer Should I keep this Car ?
As I will not be able to know what happned inside the engine and what got repaired and of the Quality of repair as I have experiance that ford lacks quality.
By the way the old dealer Called Nikki ford from where I purchased the car and had very bad experiance of servicing is No more with the ford !
the maruti dealer which I mentioned in the following review is now ford dealer !
Now read this is the Frist old review
Neverever Ford again:Very bad Service and Quality
From the first day I have feeling that I Ford India is not a good Company as when I found out the best model of diesel car is to be "clubbed" to get out the best of it, that was a very bad policy of ford India.Now Mine is about 9 months old and is diesel ZXi , done 12000Km
When ever the car is started or stopped It gives heavy Jerk, like earthquake.
Some time people inside the car complains that if it hit by other car !
I told it to Ford service in madras ,
They never have heard about it !, As usual with all Service Support In India!
as One can not specify the Jerk so they blindly said that its in their specification limit ,
I tried with other Fiesta too all of them have same problem and as they will get older the engine mounting rubber ( of Ford Quality) will go away , then it becomes more of a Quality Engine which I paid more then 6laks of rupees!
Never ever Autocar review mentioned it! they had special Technical review on it only Bla bla ...
Before buying this car make sure that these jerks fits at your specification of 6lak jerk.
Some one said that this
car was designed in Australia by some Indian team !
and when visited Australian ford site I found that for my surprise that Ford at Australia advertising on their web site that they Designed the Australian car in Ford Germany! Wow what a way to sell cars!
From the first service I felt that I have been cheated on the name of free service and On the third service I confirmed with the ford Service support and acknowledged to them that keeps the car for a day and returns with spraying the water to show that it was washed.
before giving the car to dealer for third service I took some photographs of dust accumulated on the engine and marked x with my fingers took the photograph !,
When the car arrived after the third service the mark was there !
Now this is the ford Quality and Quality washing of a dealer who enjoys dealership from last so many years and Ford India tells me that they have not any complain for them.
As I have maruti alto and the Quality of washing the Cargo Motors Narol , maruti dealer is giving is un comparable , either the ford are amateurs or they are just cheating.
There is something wrong with the engine insulation specially if its get wet, I have told not to try this car when the water is on the road.
Car is having front brake wobbling problem and it is never solved by ford or their service Niki ford Ahmedabad.They keep car for 3 days and tried changing the disk and the other parts but failed till date.Lastly the Ford service engineer also tried to solve but failed.
Disk has casting defect and in the rain it gets rust very fast .the brake pad gets stuck every time if the car is not diven for 2 -3 days. it never happned with alto!
Rubber quality of Wiper are also of very poor quality and I have changed them more then 3 times and within 3 or 4 days they show scratches on them, as they are from some other model and they never stick to surfce of glass.Never use in while driving in rain as it makes the visibility poor.
Again Maruti is far far better in this wiper case ,
Front Windshield glass is also of poor quality and within 3 months it had shown that Quality of Ford India.case of hardning not done proper.
Chrome fitting at front grill and over the number plate light shown the Bad chrome done ! with lots of hesitations they have changed it , it took Four months and lots of phone calls to service and high blood pressure.
Horn quality is bad cheap and within one week it started to show ford Quality,
it took three visits to just to get it replaced with the good one.
Now at this time of writing I have a Fused door open lamp which they do not have in stock!
the car is having lots of noises when ever it is run on the rough surface , coming beneath and also from inside of it, Service people never bothered to solve it ,
Some how I feel that ford India is having policy of not getting feedback directly from the customers and they fully depend on their Service Engineer , (which are well taken care of them by dealers! )
If you think this is the car for you then Just wait ... one year
you will have lots of choices next year and hopefully ford will be on History Channel
(ps: never ever miss the chance to see the Mr.Ford biography on Discovery/NatGeo ...eye opener on ford quality)