This review is in continuation with my 2 years and 5 months old review on ford fiesta 1.4 ZXI TDCI. Refer the old review on -
Readers, I know, you must be expecting some negetives about the car after using it for 2 years 5 months and after running around 35000 kms. But, sorry, this review will not fulfill your expectations.
Total Running - 35000 kms
Duration Using - 29 months
Usage frequency - Daily
longest drive in a day till date - 850 kms
AC / Without AC - Only with AC
Driving condition - 65% Pune City, 35% highways around pune
Fuel - Any Diesel other than indian oil, no additives
Air pressure - Fron 32, rear 30
Driving comfort and experience - best in the segmnet, totally unchanged even after this duration
Milage / Fuel Economy - 20+/per liter
Ride experience for passengers - best in segment, Totally unchanged
Stability - Great
Responsiveness - Great
Accident / Damages - Fortunatily nothing
Highest speed touched - 155 on mumbai pune expressway, with AC and 4 people onboard
Cost on maintainance till date - Average Rs. 2500 per servicing per 6 months
Service / dealer experience - Great . No doubt, Talera Ford Pune
Satisfaction level - Very high
I am proud owner of this vehicle and still after this duration feeling is the same.