+Figo is a good choice wrt to common Indian Drive of City+Highway style.
+Its amazing above 3rd gear and when the turbocharger awakes:)
+Its a vehicle that you can go for without any worries.
+Ive done my first service which landed to Rs. 1440 only(which includes some mandatory replacements).
- Stereo is absolutely superb.i dont know what magic they have done to the btooth-mobile clarity.its just good:)
-OE Wiper blades would be your first replacement; its too bad that comes with the vehicle.
-Put in a fog l and that too an OE only; else you will feel not confident to drive at night and more over if its raining.
-Engine need some time as to wake up during morning - a 3-5km will make the engine to settle down:)
-/+First Gear is good for City drive; as it does not pull you hard; you can manage all alone with clutch without any touch to the accelerator.
-/+Door Locks are strong; but the closing noisy is not impressive; you feel as you are closing some 80s model standard jeep door.
-/+Engine noise is bit high inside cabin but you will love its noise on the way; as thats the main attraction of long drives; switch of your music system and listen to your engine noise changes in each gear shift:)