I recently bought a Ford Figo i.e. on 01/06/2010 After paying the money I had a tuff time from the dealer as he had confirmed for the availability of the car and then denied after collecting the payment forcing me to by a higher version of the car. The dealer was Harpreet Ford Delhi.
After taking the delivery of the car within 5 days the following problem were noticed :
1) Average was very very poor in diesel only 11
2) The engine was making piston noise
3) The car rear was making noise while running on road.
4) The headlight when on High Beam on highways visibility is very very poor as the low beam is not active as generally in other cars.
5) The car central locking was not working
6) The driver side power window was making noise.
On highlighting these problem for first seven visits the workshop guys denied of the car having any problem. then they identifed the engine noise as some fuel injector problem. the following was noticed in the work shop .
1) The car engine was opened and later denied by the mechanic working on it.
2) Why did he opened the engien if the problem was in the fuel injector.
3) remember the car was just 15 days old by now.
4) on taking the delivery of the car I was told that the fuel injector was replaced but the same was not done as there was no problem with the fuel injector actually.
5) I approached the company who took more than a month to get back on this and finally repaired the car further , but never bought the problem in notice or paper.
Question here is why one should keep a car whose engine has been reworked beside paying for a brand new car ?
The company had no reply and they said that they cannot do anything more as the car is working fine now. more than 14 visits and 75 days of harassment the company has no answer and just cornered themselves.
Feed Back on the car :
1) Poor visibility at night as head lights are bad.
2) Bad Ground Clearance not suitable for Indian Roads
3) Bad leg room for the driver and front passenger you may hurt your knees on long journeys
4) bad service and backup from company.
5) Expensive spares
6) No power windows for the rear passengers very not practical.
7) Low on average than Fieast beside having the same engine and lesser wait ratio.
Last and final you simply cannot trust this company.