Here is the chronology of the events:
04:30 AM, 27th Feb 2011:
My father wakes upto the sounds of something burning and finds our car, parked under shed, in flames.
08:00 PM, 27th Feb:
Vehicle towed away by Fortune Ford, Hyderabad representatives for inspection
28th Feb - 7th Mar:
Awaiting inspection report from Ford.
09:30 AM, 8th Mar 2011:
Received an email from Ford representative, Mr. Sarvanan, statingexternal factors andnon Ford approved fitment as to the cause of thethermal event. Correspondingly, he states that the warranty is null and void, and any repair has to be done on our own expenses.
The car was purchased just 4 months ago. There was no noticeable malfunction before the incident. Like always, the car was parked safely under the shed that day. We suspect a manufacturing defect to have caused the issue.
Ford has been very abstract in its inspection report. They have never stated what exactexternal factor or whichnon ford approved fitment caused the issue. We havent fitted any component into the car after the purchase.
Requesting you to raise the concern and help make our voice heard.