Purchasing a Brand New FORD is more painful than buying an Ambassador in the 70 `s ;
I Confirmed a Purchase of a Ford Fusion Plus around 2 weeks back , I was promised the following by Ganger Ford Calcutta :-
Delivery within 5 Days , Its been 2 weeks and the car I have got is in very bad shape
The Axle is corroded so is the full front wheel assembly and the bonnet is dented furthermore I overheard a senior sales person in the showroom tell the General Manager that the car has had an accident
( Please check attached photographs )
I got trapped into purchasing a Ford when I was promised delivery within 5 days and that only Black colored models were available , to choose another color I would have to wait for 15 to 20 Days for delivery . I settled for Black and 5 Days delivery .
Now I find not only the Car available is in a very poor shape and requires to go straight to a work shop from the showroom it is also the only Fusion Plus available for a month or more and only Fusion Plus ABS models are available . A Fusion ABS will set me back a further 30, 000 Rs .
Furthermore the delivery of this Fusion ABS will take another 10 days plus time for registration therefore the total time taken will be about a month .
So much for quality , safety , service , certification and International satisfaction I would be rather happy with good ol Maruti
suranjan das gupta , tubu_cruise@yahoo.co.in