I was looking for a sedan with best fuel economy who has brand image & can give a better fuel economy. I had an apprehension about cost of spares. Ford known for expensive spares. When I was explained & showed the comparison then I believed the sales man & bought the car. From last 6 months I am extensively using my car & enjoying every mile of driving.
I am getting a mileage of 20.45KMS/Liter in diesel which include both city & highway driving. I had a small problem with A/C & was rectified without any charges as I enjoy 3 years warranty. I recommend this sedan who are looking for both style & economy. Before going for this I was considering Desire. But the response from the dealers was very bad.
They were so arrogant to tell about the car. I felt better I dont opt for a brand/company who is not bothered to answer the quire. Today I am the proud owner of a car of my choice. One important aspect I like to share is about audio system. It is blue tooth enabled & can be configured to your cell phone. That is fantastic. The moment I switch on the self my cell phone gets connected via blue-tooth which helps talk to caller without hassles. I got this free of cost in the scheme. All & all it is a safe bet, value for money