Its unbeleivably quick- ok its not but certainly feels so, its got the best combination of chassis, gearbox and engine. my experiences with the 1.6 ikon have always left me beaming. a 90 bhp engine and a raspy engine note are enough to set the pulse rolling. while many of my freinds prefer the palio 1.6(100bhp) to the josh I simply feel that the palio doesnt quite cut it as well as a proper sedan can.
throw it into corners and youll see the amazing grip that the tyres have, the steering is well balanced without being too light and gievs the right amount of feedback from the road.
the down side though bad fuel-effiecncy. I get only around 7-8 in city, but thats more than enough for the amount of fun I have. the josh machine also has one of the best seats around. its got good legroom and ample thigh support. much better than the esteem.
all in all a good car if only the mileage and spare prices could be better