We have used an Ikon Sxi since 2004 and we have found the car to be very good but unfortunately we had to get rid of it because of the terrible service that we got from people who seem to know nothing about the car.1. Whenever there has been a problem we have found, the solution has been "REPLACEMENT" which is quite expensive.2. Simple things like: Reading lights for the passenger seats do not work, engine gives sudden bursts, horn not working etc. These simple stuff also could not be solved and for almost everything parts need to be changed.3. Rear door used to make a bad sound while closing which had been reported for over 1 year and nothing was done to repair it.Imagine going to a doctor with the complain of headache and the only suggestion the doctir gives is "Replace you Head" :)My opinion: Very good car but in the wrong hands, infact Id go on to say that these guys are spoiling the good brand name Ford has built over the past several years.