The origins of the word Ikon are from the Greek language word eikenai which means to be like. In our desi language, within a span of two years (from aug 99) , the big blue oval( Ford - for the uninitiated) have transformed the word ikon to mean josh.
This machine is just a three dimensional extension of the thoughts of the men behind the car. This car is the blue eyed baby of a josh-EST man at ford company- Jac Nasser ( Ex-CEO). Lean & mean eyes - penetrating into your innermost thoughts , a go getting sporty attitude and the will to win against all odds - these are the characteristics of Jac nasser and also the Ford Ikon.
The ford Ikon with its , sleek and mean looking head lamps , growling lips in front and wrap around tail lights are some of her first key striking features. Stare at her from the front and you realize that her pregnant looking bonnet does have a strange allure to it. Get inside her and you find those three spoke steering wheels , dials and leg room giving you a comfy -joshy feel. But I sounding like I am losing interest in writing about this baby...wait this is only the calm before the storm.
I put the keys into her ignition and fire her up. The petrol engine , four-cylinder unit, featuring a eight-valve head and fed by multi-point fuel injection ; 1600cc rearing its heads with 90 horses pulling!I cannot write to you the experience and thrill that I had because ..the josh si to be experienced. It cant be written about. Explaining the ride would be like asking me to PAINT THE ORGASM that I had. Those bridgestone tyres burnt the tarmac and raced my josh machine to oblivion in minutes.
I forgave Jac Nassers relatively low artistic skills and also forgave him for putting all those ugly looking red dials in this beast, ALL because of the engine and ride that this baby delivered. This machine was like having sex with a harem girl who knew all the vital nodes that would excite any car lover like me.
Yes , its been two years since she has been running this rat race in the mid-size car segment , but what the heck! nothing has happened in the indian car industry to get the josh out of this ford. At 6.75 lacs , your should not lose sleep or josh over this buying decision. I give a BIG YES for anyone who wants to buy a Josh machine 2002 (fORD Ikon 1.6).