Ok Mr. Spitrock,
Your first line says your primary concern - mix of good & bad. U hv specifically talked about excessive bureaucracy & availablity of primitive computers. So I will take each of them separately. But first things first.
I will respect your right to post your views as you feel should be known to the junta at large but then I do have the right to agree or disagree with the same. Since u hv posted them at a public forum, I strongly feel that that the views different from yours should also be posted and ppl reading the same must be able to make up their own minds by reading an alternate view/s.
Now about the first concern - excessive bureaucracy - I too have studied at FORE and I feel that the faculty/staff is cooperative in maximum numberof cases. For a few cases ex scheduling of classes is concerned/submission of assignments etc.. no interference is brooked and rightly so..
Other than that you have specifically mentioned Air concession Forms - Well in that you must have got the signatures of 2/3 ppl max. WEll FORE is an institution which is catering to your primary need of education(I suppose that was the primary need) rather than devote a whole set of ppl catering exclusively to demands of form signing for Air Fare.
I agree that is particularly irksome when you have your set of brush with bureaucracy but then you are highlighting a lone instance where you were at the receiving end.
Your second contention relates to primitive computers. Mr Spitrock, I really have no clue about which batch of FORE you are from. For if I had, I could have given specific cases of the brand and model #s of computers in the comp labs in specific years.
AS you might be aware of, FORE also has a dedicated batch for MCA and as such there is no dearth of computers. In fact, there are four different labs for accessing systems. Each lab has its own particular set of computers. Both IBM & Compaq/HP systems which are state of the art (PIVs)are available. Software from both Microsoft and Linux flavours is available in the labs. You really have to choose which lab you want to work in rather than waiting for a system.
Now for your other comment about people playing games on primitive computers. Let me get it correct..Primitive computer systems cannot be used to play multiplayer games online. It is a matter of fact. (Primitive by my defn is 286/386/486 series).
In fact if people can play games online in a LAN environment, it speaks volumes about the capability of systems.
Now about your concern about Non availablity of systems for assignments - I remember a message prohibiting LAN games. If a user was found doing so, he/she could be asked to abstain from using the facilities of the labs. So you never complained!
Finally you have talked about incompetent people heading the offices.
I am sure that you were there in order to get a Management education. Maybe you could have prevailed over them with your clear views on how to run things and in the process tried to do ur bit for the system.