This liquid soap is for hand & face wash but I prefer it to use for face only as it is premium quality product with 100% pure alovera.This product is really result oriented gives glow to face of facial. I take only one drop of it and it will be sufficient for whole face.It leaves your face feeling so soft and cleansed. I have stopped using other wellknown facewash which never given good result to my skin. I even stopped using face creams when I go out to office. I kept this liquid soap in small bottle and use it whenever required.It comes in 450ml bottle with cost of Rs.800 which is quite worthy as 1ml per facewash is enough so you will get 450 facewashes. Please take it only from Forever Distributor, I have contact no. 8692924558 which give you quality product with 5% discount also. The uniqueness of this facewash is aloe barba densis miller alovera and approved by Internstional aloe science council. Please dont buy it online as it is illegal and no guaranty of quality of product. So buy it from authorised distributor only. This product is must try & use it and let me know your experience also.Thank you.