Talent evaporates, without Stamina, Staying Power
I am provoked into writing this review after reading an extremely good review by Madhav. Music industry is a funny place. Literally. For trash can survive. Especially if you are Anaida. And more so when you have close relations with the CEO of Crescendo Music Suresh Thomas.
I came to Mumbai three years ago having written lots of articles in National Newspapers and winning Poetry Competitions nationally as well as Internationally. My sole aim was to cut a music album. I gave myself ten days to grab a deal as my artillery of preparation had a well produced Demo of three songs. It has been three years now....
I do have an album under my belt. Although it wasnt well promoted , but then I was amongst a few lucky ones who actually got paid for doing my own work. And trust me, it doesnt happen often these days. The general refrain smoked out from the music companies is to spend ones own money, make a video and then, the music label Might market your own product on profit sharing basis.
I have had my share of tears. But, Ive had a wonderful journey in every sense of the word. The three years Ive spent in Mumbai have been outstanding. There were occasions when things werent smooth sailing, but the smile was never missing. For I pursued something that gave me amazing happiness. More importantly, I was doing things my way.....
I wouldnt say the situation isnt bleak. The clouds of despair over the music industry are getting thicker with each passing day. Non-film music isnt happening, film music is being listened on the radio and the piracy-cum-net syndrome has left the industry gasping for fresh breath.
Now, the above reasons are the ones generally given by the music company experts. Lets take the example of FM Radio. If 5 FM radio can cause a hole in the music coffers, then why is it that even after having hundreds of private FM Radio stations, American music sales are enormous.
The writing is clearly on the wall. The Artiste and Repertoire Managers (The Destiny Managers of a musicians future) in India are clueless. They dont know anything about music. All they will say is that This is not selling, that is not selling.. etc.. etc.. They are unable to understand that Music caters to the soul, the instincts, the drive within. And Good music always sells. But then what is good music! Good Question....
Good music is good looks, preferably girls daring to bare all, lots of commonly heard sounds and an aggressive marketing hailing that we are the best. Now, thats the perspective that most of the music companies have. For theres nothing other than this.
I really dont have much to say about how to promote your music, because there are only a few ways of getting noticed and they are very elementary. Most importantly, you need to have loads and loads of talent. Being the best wont do. Youve gotta believe that you are Very Very Best. Wrong English.....Who cares! Conveys the meaning. Isnt it!
As I said on the top, Talent, combined with lots of patience, perseverence, ability to smile in adversity, contacts, and an a chameleon like capacity to adapt to any kind of situation. If you wish to be a professional, then do what the person who is spending his money wants you to do. Here, Confidence is a must. A huge must! Nobody will spend on you if you are not supremely sure of yourself.
Theres more to you than what others think. Be your own best judge. Keep practising. Keep getting better. What more to say! Yes, there have been tears in my journey. But theyve only inspired me to move on. No regrets. I know I shall get what I want, for I know I have it in me. So, believe in yourself against all odds.
I never knew that I could produce jingles/ advertisements for radio or television. And the way, I am producing loads of Radio FM jingles these days apart from doing a few TV commercials, I am surprised. For the hard work I put into my roadshows is paying off. So, never say that you cant do this or that. For there are amazing possibilities within you. You just need to search for them.
Lastly, Id say, music is a risky business. Be sure before jumping into it. But remember, once youve done it, then make sure that you burn the bridges behind you.....
All the best!! Theres no greater pleasure in life than doing what you love to do. and get paid for it as well. ENJOY!!