Why? Said my mind to me. Why do you have to write about Forrest Gump? My mind had been ranting from the time my heart elicited a wish to write about this. It had been ceaseless for it thought that I wouldn’t be able to render justice to this great motion picture as many great writers who have already posted an article. I am perturbed. But then, This movie is all and all a movie that connects heart to heart. Why, then should I ever listen to my befuddling mind?
Why shouldnt I write about a movie that had verisimilitude in its every frame? After all, it is not a corny scrimmage that would have no effect on my sense buds. Forrest Gump is a marvel. When I say its a marvel, it points my finger to the thought that its no-nonsense piece of art. Forrest Gump reminds us of the basic mannerism that are forgot by many of us owing to the culture around us. It shows us that we have no reasons to be brusque on the people who are below the normal level.
Over view & Review
Hello.My name is Forrest Gump.
Forrest Gump is a little kid who has IQ level just below the normal. Even his legs are artificially implanted. His greatest benefactor in life was his mother.
My mom was a real smart lady. Mama always had a way of explaining things so that I could understand them. She said, If God made everyone the same, howd you be different?
Forrest had a very caring mother. She was like the tree that gave shade, a cloud that rained to benefit others, a sun that coruscates to pour its divine rays on humane. She could do everything for Forrest. Everything means everything and so she did. Forrest got admission in a school. He found one of the sweetest human being there. Jennie was her name. She was kind, compassionate and loving.
Jennie: - If youre ever in trouble, dont try to be brave. Instead run!-
The character of Jennie was so importantly fed into the movie. It aptly and distinctly characterized serious spending of love towards Forrest. The character of jenny is like a cusp that pinches the truth of how should one behave with people like Gump. The character of Gump is very pure, refined and complete. The movie is very complex to review about. There are certain very eloquent dialogues
In the movie that suits just Gump. There is a very fine inter woven web of scenes that yoke the complete character of Gump in a persuasive way.
Each frame of the movie is shot so beautifully. Importance has been given directly to Gump and his social interactions. Not only his social interactions but also the bridge of communication & relation he creates every time when he comes upon a new situation. His life was very pure. He was an icon. An icon of love. An icon of prosperity. A symbol of faith. The director Robert Zemeckis surely depicts the same with full guts.
Its difficult. Its arduous for me. My heart is fractious. It wants me to write the entire story and explain each detail of it .It desires me to adumbrate how that part of movie moved me from within for ephemeral instance and some for inordinate moments. Instances where Gump assumes (portrays) intense innocence are found galore. He makes you to think. He makes you cry. He makes you remember the kind of bond that can exist between a mother & son, a boy and a girl and between friends. Gump shows patriotism. Gump exhibits selflessness and urge to help others.
Gump demonstrates pure love.Gump, during his life, finds that Life happens by both destiny and accidents. Gump takes your senses to distant places where the river of love flows through a village of innocence and pastures of compassion sway against the winds of change and where the farmers of duty eat the food of innocence.
There were moments where humor was the pilot of the movie. Notable thing is that humor was served not by kitsch jokes or by vernacular acting but by simple yet very funny dialogues
Here are some excerpts:
FG: Our House was never empty. Sometimes the guests were so much that we felt like travelers
FG: We get all kinds of rain in Vietnam. The straight ones, the big-fat drops one, the one that blows sideways and even the one that comes right on the top of you.
Lt.Dan: Whats wrong with your lips?
Bubba: Nothing sir! They say I was born with large gums.
Lt.Dan: Have you found Jesus?
FG: I don’t know if I was supposed to be looking for him
What to look for in the movie?
Since I had head that this movie got bunch of Oscars I was expecting it to be great right from the beginning. But I found that if you expect much right from the start itll pinch you and you will easily wither away from it. But, Honestly you dont have to look for anything. Every thing comes to you in natural course of action. I wish I could tell more about the movie but instead Id ask you to watch it as soon as possible. The dialogues in the movie are one to look for. Tom Hanks brilliant acting supported by fantastic performances by Robin Wright(Jenny), Gary Sinise(Lt. Dan), Mykelti Williamson(Bubba) and Sally Field(Mother).
Music by Alen Sylvestri is fabulous and supports the movie well through out the length. Cinematography is excellent. The locations for the movie were very natural. A park bench, Seaside, Highway etc Such locations support the whole movie to bring the emergence of innocence and all the best possible traits a human could ever have in a exquisite manner. This movie sure is for esthete. If you start liking it, consider yourself one.
My name is Forrest Gump. My mother says Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get. I am tired now. I think Ill go home
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